You can create a new task from the various places where you can access the task management (Link). 

Title (required): Name of your task. After submitting a task, you can edit an existing task by a double-click on the task title. 

Description (required): Description and task details. You can use the text editor to format the description text (e.g. headings, bold, ordered and unordered lists,...). As part of the description there are also some ZOA specific elements. 

  • Task-lists: If your tasks consists of multiple smaller tasks (i.e. sub-tasks), we recommend using the "task list" element as it helps you to track the progress towards task completion.
  • Mentioned users: You can mention users as part of the task description. You can use this feature to for instance relate a sub-task to a specific user. In order to mention a user, you can either click on the "@" symbol or just type it and a dropdown with all available users will appear. 
  • Mentioned object: Similarly, you can also mention a ZOA object (e.g. a specific processing activity or software tool). The shortcut for mentioning an object is "#".
  • Mentioned tasks: Finally, you can also mention another task in the case it is related. The shortcut for mentioning another task is "##".

File upload (optional): You can add one or multiple files to your task.


In the middle section of the page you can set the task status, start date and due date.

Task status (optional): There are five options to set the status of a task:

  • "Not started" is meant for tasks that you need to complete in the future but it is not yet the right time to work on it. 
  • "Started" as soon as you work on a task, you should set the status to "started". This status allows you to track all tasks that are in progress. 
  • "Blocked" can be used for tasks where you cannot continue for various reasons and want to signal to your team that there is an issue.. 
  • "Canceled" use this option to cancel a task. As you cannot delete a task, you should use this option instead. A task with the status "Canceled" will not appear in standard overview lists. 
  • "Finished" status should be assigned when a task was completed. 

Start date (optional): Date when you plan to start working on the specific task. This allows you to already define a task today but only start working on it in the future (e.g. for review tasks). You can either type the date in the correct format (dd-mm-yyyy) or use the date pickers.

Due date (optional): Date by when you need to complete the task. You can either type the date in the correct format (dd-mm-yyyy) or use the date pickers.

In the right hand column you can set the privacy level of the task, assign users and relate it to other ZOA objects. 

Privacy: There are four levels of privacy:

  • Public: All users of your ZOA account have access to the task. If your ZOA account is connected to a ZOA partner account (e.g. law firm or consultancy), the partner users will also have access to this task. The default privacy level is "Public". 
  • Organisation: All users within your organisation have access. If your ZOA account is connected to a ZOA partner account (e.g. law firm or consultancy), the partner users will not have access to this task. 
  • Assignees: Only assigned users will have access to this task. Use this privacy level if you want to keep the task private among a small group of people. 
  • Private: Only you have access. Use this privacy level to define tasks for yourself. 

Assignees: You can assign users who are responsible for the task. Assignees will be notified about this task by email. You can assign yourself, colleagues within your organisation or also assign the task to a partner user if your ZOA account with connected to a ZOA partner account (e.g. law firm or consultancy). 

Objects: You can relate a task to one or multiple ZOA objects across the various categories (e.g. legal entities, software & service or processing activity). If you relate a task to an object, a note will be added to corresponding object. Use this feature for instance, if you want to define a task to review a specific object in the future. 

Below you can see an example of a task.