You can add new Knowledge Base assets by clicking on "Create new" on the respective category page. 


Edit information

This opens a new page where you can add all the details for the new Knowledge Base asset. On the left hand side you find the form to add information. Each form element has a language attribute. The default language is defined by your account settings. But you can change the language for the new asset and you can add other language versions by clicking the plus-icon in the language box on the right hand side. 

The available fields depend on the selected category. For example, the category FAQ has different fields than the category webinar. You have a powerful editor with many formatting options for longer texts.


When you add a new asset, it will have the status "Draft" and it will not yet be visible on the Knowledge Base overview page or any distribution channels. If you have added all relevant information and language versions you can ask a colleague to review and approve the content and change the status to either "Approved" or "Published". Only with the status "Published" the content will be visible on the Knowledge Base overview page or selected distribution channels (e.g. ZOA Privacy Bot for Teams). 

Audit Trail

Many changes to the asset are logged in the Audit Trail (e.g. status changes, publishing channels changes, addition / removal of language versions). Please note that content changes (i.e. changes to the text) will not be tracked. 

Publishing Channels

Content of your Knowledge Base is available within ZOA and you opt to distribute the content through Publishing Channels. 

 If you activate the toggle button in the Publishing Channels box, the content will also be available in the selected channel. At the moment, there is one channel "ZOA Privacy Bot for Teams" to make the Knowledge Base content available to your colleagues through the Teams App. Please note that the content is only visible in the channel if the status is set to "Published". 

Archive an asset

You cannot delete an asset but set the status to "Archived". Archived assets are not visible on the Knowledge Base overview or any publishing channels. 


Please note that you cannot edit content that was distributed from a partner. It is read-only.