We are very pleased to present new ZOA functions to you: The ZOA Knowledge Base and ZOA Privacy Bot for MS Teams. The new functions enable you to manage additional information in ZOA that is relevant for the implementation of data protection in your organisation, and you can make this information available to all employees via the ZOA Teams app. This makes it easier for everyone to observe data protection in their day-to-day work and relieves you of routine enquiries.


NEW: ZOA Knowledge Base: Data protection knowledge base for all employees 

ZOA should be the central location for all data protection-relevant information for your organisation. The register of processing activities is certainly a core element for many of you. However, effective implementation requires further information, such as the general data protection principles that should be practised by all employees, document templates for requests for information, checklists for the selection of new service providers and much more. You can now manage all this information and other compliance topics in the ZOA Knowledge Base. 



We are happy to support you in preparing existing content for your data protection knowledge base. You can find detailed information in the ZOA Help here (link).


NEW: ZOA Privacy Bot for Teams
The ZOA Privacy Bot for MS Teams is an extension for ZOA that allows you to make content available to all employees in your organisation. The Teams app relieves the data protection team, as standard requests are covered by the Teams app and relevant information reaches the data protection team via a structured reporting process (e.g. data breach, requests for information, ...) from the employee . In addition, you can also publish all information from the ZOA Knowledge Base in the Teams app. You can find more information about the ZOA Teams app and how to add the app to MS Teams here (link) and here is a link to the Microsoft Teams App Store (link).




Partner content for your data protection knowledge base

If you work with an external partner (e.g. law firm or consultancy firm) in the area of data protection, the partner can provide you with content for your knowledge base. With content such as templates for directives or enquiries, frequently asked questions (FAQs) about data protection or the latest news, you will always be well informed.